Hi there!
I'm José Ángel and I'm a developer.

About me.
- Twenty nine years old.
- Madrid.
- Open to remote work and recolocation.
- Programmer with knowledge of SQL for databases; HTML, CSS and JavaScript for front-end programming and Python for everything else. I want to be part of the technology department of any company to carry out any possible task with my skills.
- Responsible, hard-working, adaptable and determined programmer.
- Very interested in working with non-profit organizations that do good and companies with human and environmental values.
- English level: C1. German level: B1/B2
Technical skills.
- HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES7), TypeScript (basic level) and React (basic level).
- Responsive web design and mobile first.
- UI design.
- Python.
Courses and certifications.
Scrimba Frontend Developer Career Path.
Certificate of completion of the course with hundreds of videos, challenges and projects to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Curso profesional de Python.
Certificate of completion of the Spanish Association of Computer Programmers' Professional Python course.
Cambridge English: Level 2. Certificate in ESOL International (C1).
Certificate of English language skills accreditation corresponding to C1 (ESOL: Level 2) awarded by Cambridge Assessment English.
These are the projects I have built on my own:
Note: All links open in a new tab.
Yo hablo bien.
Web that shows a list of some mistakes that are made and doubts that arise when speaking Spanish. For native Spanish speakers.
Get a randomly chosen first name, last name and place of residence of a made-up person for any situation.
Journalistic justice.
Tool to give the option to all journalists attending government press conferences to ask questions.
Be like a carrot.
Be like a carrot. Yes, seriously. I'm not kidding.
Time in Roman numerals. It's that simple.
Create a strong password.
Create a strong password in no time by clicking or pressing a button.
An homage to the city of Sydney.
We live in a world that won't stop polluting.
Planets of the Solar System talking about humans.
An homage to my favourite Disney's film, Hercules.
Let's talk.
Here I am.
Email: joseangelprogramador@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseangelmm/