Be like a carrot.

A carrot doesn't want to be like a blueberry, a kiwi or a mango.

A carrot does not care if the berries are cooler.

A carrot wants to be a carrot.

Be like a carrot.

Don't try to be 'w','x','y' or 'z' or compare yourself to them.

You are not them.

You are you.

A unique person.

There is no other person in the world like you.

Appreciate and love yourself as you are and your world will change forever.

Accepting yourself as you are is the best gift you can give yourself.

Be like a carrot.


Love and accept yourself but no matter what, don't become complacent.

We can all improve in many ways and we can achieve it if we work on it.

Try to improve day by day and get closer to the image of yourself that you want to become.

And, in the meantime, love and accept yourself.


José Ángel