
Earth icon

Guys, I have a huge problem.

Moon icon

What's wrong?

Earth icon

The humans, always the humans...

Moon icon

The humans, that specie that think that rules the whole universe. They are a plague, aren't they?

Earth icon

I wish they were just a plague; they are cancer. They destroy everything they find. They are destroying me from the inside.

They exterminate the animals that treat me well and yet they stay. They wipe out all the forests that give life and create their dead environments.

They think they are so smart, but they are so incredibly dumb that they are destroying themselves and they keep going. I don't know what to do with them anymore.

Moon icon

Well, I was lucky... They only stayed here for a couple of hours, stuck a flag in and left. I have not heard from them again. Fortunately.

Pluto icon

Don't talk to me about those humans... They excluded me from planets, and now I am supposed to be a dwarf planet. What the heck is that? Who do they think they are?

Mercury icon

I am next to the sun, so I am saved. No one would be so stupid to come here

Earth icon

Don't say that too loud...

Mars icon

Well, I heard there's a guy who wants to come and set up a colony here. Why? I don't want them here. What do they want, to turn me into a dumpster as they've done to Earth?

Sorry, Earth, that's the way I see it.

Earth icon

It is OK, you are right

Jupiter icon

Earth, are you saying they are destroying themselves and doing nothing to stop it?

Earth icon

Yeh, exactly, they are in a cycle of self-destruction that is getting faster and faster

Jupiter icon

So, you think that there will come a time when they will disappear?

Earth icon

Indeed, everything will come to an end for them. I don't know when, but, at this rate, a couple of centuries and bye-bye.

It will be for the best. I have no problem with being home to humans, but I can't allow them to keep destroying everything that has taken millions of years to form.

I can't let them keep polluting without giving a damn.

I can't let them drown me in their fumes

I can't let them keep ignoring the facts.

I can't let them keep destroying nature and the animals that live in it.

I can't let them destroy me.

If they change radically, they will always have a home in me. Let's hope so. There's still hope. I've seen that voices have arisen to warn and act against those who would eliminate everything. Let's hope that they succeed. For their sake and mine. Let us hope so.

José Ángel